sabato 5 aprile 2014


Cilento - Salerno
The National Park of Cilento and Vallo di Diano is a crossroads of many ancient paths and along the southern Apennines , an important node in the national network of footpaths .
Walking along the ancient routes that lead to the most beautiful places of the park , including views and scenery and sea, the hills and mountains , hugging the pristine nature of this protected area and enchanted .
The Park Authority , responsible for the protection and enhancement of the territory, with particular reference to its excellence , promotes the practice of hiking , understood as a non-competitive discipline : " Walking to understand and protect ." This approach , together with the creation of a network of trails , implementing a management model that allows to exploit the protected area from the perspective of environmental, economic and social , including through the rediscovery of its immense cultural heritage , in a process of growth of the awareness on the part of local communities.