martedì 30 agosto 2016

Cilento to VisitHow to get there:By car
The highway A3 Salerno - Reggio Calabria and Paestum along the perimeter of the park on the northern and eastern sides. The most convenient exits are: Battipaglia Capaccio - Paestum and the coast from Agropoli to Palinuro; Campaign, Sicignano and Petina for Alburni mountains; Sala Consilina and Padula for the area of ​​the Cervati; yet Padula to the coastal strip from Policastro to Marina di Camerota.
Several roads crossing the Cilento with winding paths but of great scenic interest.
The road 18 Tirrena Lower, in the process of transformation into freeway goes from Agropoli to Policastro via Vallo della Lucania; the state 166 of the Alburni cuts in sense latitudinal Cilento from San Rufo Capaccio Vecchio; the 267 Cilento follows the coast from Agropoli to Velia later grafted on 447 Palinuro.
The lower Tyrrhenian trunk road becomes highway at the height of Agropoli and continues until Policastro Bussentino, via Vallo della Lucania, joining then to 'A3 Salerno - Reggio Calabria at the height of Buonabitacolo.On the train
You can use the line Napoli - Salerno - Reggio Calabria, which serves the entire coastal area of ​​the park. They can be reached by train the following locations: Capaccio - Paestum, Agropoli, Vallo della Lucania, Ascea - Velia, Pisciotta, Centola, Policastro and Sapri.


Visit the splendid CamerotaThe history of the municipality is linked to a legend: Palinuro, the helmsman of Aeneas, along the coasts of the Cilento, fell in love with a beautiful girl named Kamaratòn. She did not return to Palinuro love, which, in despair, followed her into the seabed and loses the life. Venus, goddess of love, incensed by the cruelty of Kamaratòn, turned it into rock, just the current outcrop on which stands the village of Camerota capital, condemning her to look for ever her lover rejected.But in reality, it seems that Camerota was founded in the sixth century. B.C. by Phocaeans, the same Greek people who founded the city of Elea Velia. Its name derives from the greek Kamaratòn, ie arched constructionThe town developed around a fortified castle in the years 535-553, during the war between the Goths and the Byzantines; succeeded several rules: Norman, Arab, Swabian, Angevin, Aragonese up to the recent period of the Bourbon dynasty ended with the unification of Italy.Despite being a fortified city, it was occupied and sacked several times by the Saracens, who occupied dall'868 to 915. The castle of Camerota was 909 in the second stronghold of Cilento, along with Agropoli.In July 1552 the powerful Turkish army, commanded by General Rais Dragut Bessa, attacked the citadel devastating, looting and killing. Many were taken prisoner. After these events were restored and built many watchtowers.Then the Marquis of Camerota saw the alternation of various noble families, such as the Sanseverino, the Di Sangro, the Marquis and the Orsini. On 23 July 1647 a bloody uprising in Camerota, in the period of revolution of Masaniello, ended with the death of the feudal lord, Paul Marchese, who had tried to restore the Droit de seigneur. The camerotani enraged and killed him to pieces which then disseminated a little everywhere. In the same year Licusati (ancient village de accasati them) ceased to be an independent town and was incorporated in Camerota. In 1881, a sailor of Marina di Camerota, Pietro Troccoli, with Captain Antonio Fondacaro of Bagnara and the sailor Orlando Grassoni of Ancona, a company accomplished legendary: on the legendary schooner Leon of Caprera crossed the ocean, starting from Montevideo , to deliver a golden sword and a book of signatures to Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Risultati immagini per camerota mare

lunedì 29 agosto 2016

Oliveto Citra is an Italian town of 3,832 inhabitants in the province of Salerno in Campania in the Alta Valle del Sele.
The territory is mostly mountainous and hilly, occupied by the south-eastern foothills of the mountains Picentini.
Today, the country bases its economy on the cultivation of (olive groves, vineyards, fruit and vegetables); livestock breeding (cattle, sheep) with relative production of milk and transformation in cheese from the superior flavor.
Monuments to visit:
Church of Santa Maria della Misericordia (1712-1775): with carved door and three naves with a dome at the intersection of the transept, decorated inside with relief images of Evangelesti; apse is a painting of Santa Maria della Misericordia and two frescoes on the sides; in the nave there is a copy of Titian's Assumption.
Guerritore castle (XI-XVI century).
Sanctuary Our Lady of Consolation (seventeenth century)
Bell tower and clock tower (XII century)
Natural area "Channel Plan"
Madonna delle Grazie (1497)
Risultati immagini per oliveto citra

giovedì 18 agosto 2016

Wie und was in Amalfi-Küste zu besuchenWollen Sie einen Urlaub in einer der schönsten und bekanntesten Orte der Welt zu verbringen? Haben Sie schon einmal darüber nachgedacht, die Amalfi-Küste zu besuchen? Es besteht aus dreizehn herrlichen Orten mit jeweils eigenen Traditionen und ihre Besonderheiten. Amalfi, reich an Geschichte und Kultur identifiziert sich mit seinem Namen die ganze Küste, die auch die Amalfiküste genannt wird. Die anderen Gemeinden sind: Vietri sul Mare, bekannt für seine feine Keramik Eigenschaften, Cetara, ein kleines Fischerdorf, das noch viel von seinem alten Charme bewahrt, Maiori mit seinem breiten Strand, Minori, ehemalige Sommerresidenz der Römer, Ravello, die Stadt Musik, die mit seiner atemberaubenden Aussicht, Scala, die älteste Stadt an der Amalfiküste, Atrani, die kleinste Stadt Europas, Conca dei Marini, mit seiner Smaragdhöhle, Furore mit seinen malerischen Fjord besticht, Praiano, wo die Dogen von Amalfi den Sommer verbrachte, Positano, die Perle der Amalfi-Küste, Tramonti mit seinen Wäldern. Mit dieser Anleitung, die ich schlage vor, Sie, wie eine einfache Besuch zu organisieren, dass man das Meer zu passen ermöglicht, auch den Anblick der schönen Landschaften und kulturellen Sehenswürdigkeiten