mercoledì 30 marzo 2011


One of the most beautiful countries of the Cilento. What do you think?             

                 Santa Maria di Castellabate

('A Marina in Cilento) is the largest village in the municipality of Castellabate (also the most populous of the town itself), in the province of Salerno, and it is his home town. Geography The village, on the Tyrrhenian coast, stretching along the SS 267, about 12 km south of Agropoli. The territory extends from Lake area (locally called "'u Lao, which hugs the mountainous area of ​​Tresino) Pozzillo of the beach (shared with San Marco), including in the hill resort of Valle Sant'Andrea. From the main city (the hill) is about 3 km and is fairly contiguous with the other village, San Marco. From Acciaroli is 20 km, 13 from Agnone Cilento, 9 houses from the Earl and about 60 from Salerno. History The country was known under the name of its original nucleus of Isca Guitars, currently its historic center. The old town lies between two squares: Piazza Matarazzo, near the Villa and the bus terminal, and Lucia's Square, home to the municipal offices. The abiitazioni more features are in a porch area in front of the small pier, called "Bring the Cat" (transmutation of the name "porch", although some say the origin of the name is due to the fishermen, as porches lit by candles, as seen from the sea during the night, they seem to just cats eyes). Due to increased tourism in the last 30 years of the twentieth century, the country is urban development from the original plan, encompassing the towns and suburbs of Lake St. Andrew's Valley and runs along the coast. This has also been a substantial increase in population, which currently sees one of the most populous villages in the district. Tourism Santa Maria is a beach resort, very receptive in the summer. This is due to the position in the national park, good water quality (which for some years the fruit the "Blue Flag" and also to the relative simplicity of connecting with cities such as Naples and Salerno. Transportation The nearest station is at S. Maria Castellabate, Agropoli (Naples-Reggio Calabria), about 12 km. Also in Agropoli is the nearest point of connection with the variant "quick" of the SS 18. There is a bus service from rhythmic Salerno and Naples, and a regular shuttle bus (city) from Agropoli station. Events An important event is held in August, with the celebration of the patron saint, Santa Maria a Mare. Among the most important events that take place in Santa Maria di Castellabate Cilento and the entire area should be counted Leucosia the prize, now in its sixteenth edition: it is housed in the first decade of September in the park of Villa Matarazzo. This event, in addition to reward those who in time (Cilento and others) have made known their work with the Cilento beyond its natural boundaries, took a few years a more international. Grafting on the project in the footsteps of Ulysses, year after year mate (also by the work on the site) all those areas that Ulysses was on his way back from Troy to Ithaca. Also in the first days of September are held at the Marina Piccola Beach, the annual games of the county: These include, among others, in a tug of war competitions, broken pots, sack race, spaghetti, etc.., With which bring into play the teams of the various districts.

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